Unfaithful fruits
A few days ago, I got very emotional because of a song I heard , which reminded me of my childhood (which was great by the way). The song is good and lovely memories swept my mind . A minute through the song my eyes where filled with tears! I held them back , only because I was sitting with two of my nieces and i didn't want them to barge me with questions like " Auntie why are you crying?" or "Is your head sore?".
As I said before, the song is GREAT and it's one my few traditional song favorite. The message behind the song is very powerful and now that I listened to words of the song very carefully I truly understand why I loved the song ( and still do), Of course back then I was too young and even though I understood what the song was about, honestly its was about the beat behind it and the rhythm . It sounded really good and it was constantly on repeat all the time and my parents used to love it and I guess that is why I love it too.
The song is sung by duo group called Shwi Nomthkhela and the Song itself is called Ngafa (a South African song) which in translation means Died in Zulu, It talks about a men who just discovered that he has a disease (unspecified in the song but I reckon its HIV & AIDS) and confines his partner about it , telling her how hurt and disappointed he is of her (since this is a transmitted disease), the song also speaks about unfaithfulness and betrayal.
This song is a very good example of the saying when words fail music speaks. I wish the message behind this song could spread all over the world, in hopes that people be more informed about the risks of the HIV virus,in which in my opinion it breaks people's relationships, trust, dignity , health and importantly its kills as the title says "Died". Please do listen to the song and tell me what do you think about it on the comments below and don't forget to share with ours. Thanks in advance.
These are the Lyrics and the Translation:
Ngafa, ngafel' ubala (I am dying, there is no determined cause)
Ingabe yini (I wonder what it is) Bayangitshela laba engihamba khona (Those with whom I hang around assert..) Bathi kimi IZINTOMBI ZAMI (it is my girlfriends)
Uma ngingena esibhedlela mina (Whenever I go to the hospital) Ngiyofuna usizo ngempilo (To seek help concerning my health)
Bafike bethi Hamba Baba awunalutho (The professionals say go home Baba, there's nothing to be concerned about)
Uma ngingena emtholampilo mina (whenever I go to the clinic) Ngiyofuna usizo ngempilo yami (To seek help help concerning my health) Bafike bethi Hamba Baba awunalutho (They say go home Baba, there's nothing to be concerned about)
Hhawu ngomoya wami (Alas! My soul/spirit) Hhawu ngempilo yami (Alas! My life/ health)
Awungitshele Nobuhle wami (Tell me, my Nobuhle) Ngoba ngangithandana nawe (Since we were once lovers) Wangibhanqa nabangaki (how many did I share you with?) Awungitshele (Tell me) Nobuhle RESPONDS: Babe babili (There were two + the singer) Awungitshele Nomusa wami (My Nomusa, tell me) Ngoba ngangithanda nawe (Since we were once lovers) Wangibhanqa nabangaki na? (How many did I share you with?) Ngithi awungitshele (Please do tell)
NOMUSA RESPONDS: Babe bathathu (There were three + the singer lol) Kwakungamele ukuthi ningibhanqe nabantu abaningi (Ya'll should not have been unfaithful to me, especially with so many men) Ngoba nani niyazi (because ya'll are also aware of..) Kulomhlaba kunezifo (How widespread venereal diseases are, in the world) Kwakumele nithande mina ngedwa (Ya'll should have only stuck with me) Mina ngedwa vo (ONLY ME)
Awungitshele wena Sindisiwe wami (My Sindisiwe, please tell me) Wena ngoba ngihlala nawe endlini (We are cohabitating)
Bangaki na ongibhanqe nabo ke? (Tell me, how many do I share you with?) SINDISIWE RESPONDS: Dali wami, ngicela ukukhuluma iqiniso kuwe dali (My darling, let me just be honest with you) Baningi ngeke ngeke ngibaqede (There is an abundance of them. I wouldn't count them)
Hhawu imihlola yami (Alas! Am I being tested?) Imihlola yami yini le?(Am I really being tested?)
Wangibulala Nobuhle wami (You killed me,my Nobuhle) Ngangikuthanda kangaka (But I loved you so much) Ngikuthembe kangaka (But I trusted you so much) Wangibulala Nomusa wami Wangibulala Sindi wami Kanti ninesandla ekufeni kwami (Ya'll played your part in my demise)